Our top tips for keeping your dog calm and happy during fireworks
Posted by Matt Sadler
Remember, remember…the fifth of November and the evenings before that date can be very frightening for dogs.
The loud noises and flashing lights from fireworks can cause your dog distress and it’s important to take steps to support your canine companion.
Here are our top tips for looking after your dog during fireworks season:
1. Be prepared
Check when and where firework displays are being held in your local area and ask your neighbours if they have any fireworks planned.
2. Draw the curtains
Close the curtains or use blackout blinds to stop your dog being startled by flashing lights. Use blankets along the bottom of doors to block out sound and light.
3. Distract your dog
Distracting your dog when fireworks are near can work wonders. Have fun indoors by playing fetch, teaching your dog new tricks and offering tasty treats, toys and verbal praise as rewards. Wherever your dog does choose to settle, providing them with a long-lasting chew or toy can be a great distraction from the noise going on outside.
4. Make a snug safe place
Make sure your dog has access to somewhere that feels safe. Creating a den with extra blankets for them to burrow in is a good idea. However, if they choose a small, dark corner instead, that’s fine too! Keeping the lights on in some rooms and leaving others in darkness will allow them to choose where they feel safest.
5. Ignore the noise
If there are fireworks outside, ignore the noises and lights yourself. Be as relaxed and normal as possible and your dog will mirror your mood!
6. Walk before dusk
Take your dog for a long walk while it's still light so they’re relaxed and won’t need the toilet once the fireworks start. If they need to be taken out again, try to wait until after any fireworks have finished and keep them on a lead.
7. Keep your dog company
Make sure to keep your dog company if you’re expecting fireworks nearby. If you want to go out, arrange for a friend who knows your dog well to come and sit with them. Leaving your dog alone to cope by themselves can make hem feel more stressed.
8. Secure your house
Escape-proof your house by keeping doors and windows shut. Block off any unsuitable areas for your dog as if they become startled, they may run and hide in new places.
9. It's okay to support your dog
If your dog is frightened, it’s okay to provide them with support and comfort. Ignoring your dog during this tricky time may make things worse. Allow them to settle where they feel safe, perhaps next to you.
10. Being calm and kind is key
If your dog is showing destructive behaviours or goes to the toilet in the house whilst fireworks are going on, it’s likely to be due to them feeling stressed. Getting annoyed with your dog will only make things worse. It's best to ignore the behaviour and then seek advice from your vet if you’re concerned – these behaviours could be a sign of severe noise phobia.
Our friends at Dogs Trust have teamed up with Magic Classical to create a calming playlist for dogs.
'Calming Pet Sounds' plays relaxing classical music and the playlist is available on the Rayo app. Alternatively, you can tell your smart speaker to 'Ask Rayo to play Calming Pet Sounds'.
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