How to leave a gift in your Will

We do understand that gifts in Wills are incredibly personal decisions. But they can also be surprisingly quick and simple to organise. 

How to include us in your Will

If you don’t have a Will

Follow these three simple steps to make your gift to deaf people.

  1. Make a list of everything you own, including property and investments, and decide who to name as executors. These are the people who will make sure your wishes are carried out.
  2. Decide who to include. For many people, loved ones will come first, but then you might also like to think about leaving a gift to a charity. When considering Hearing Dogs, some people leave a percentage of their estate to us.
  3. Use a solicitor to write your Will so that the legalities are properly covered.

If you already have a Will

To add Hearing Dogs as a beneficiary, talk to your solicitor about updating your Will, or completing a codicil and storing it with your Will.

Why you might like to help

These three wonderful supporters have decided to leave a gift in their Will to help deaf people to leave loneliness behind...

How to word a gift in your Will

If you’re thinking about writing or updating your Will, all you need to do is get in touch with your solicitor, and provide them with the wording below. It could just take five minutes over the phone or by email.

Residuary gifts (a percentage of your estate)

A Residuary gift is a gift of all or part of the balance of your estate, after other specific bequests have been made to family and friends and after all your liabilities have been settled.

If you would like to leave a residuary gift, please use this wording:

I give all (or a ___% share of) the residue of my estate to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People (Reg. Charity 293358 England and Wales, SC040486 Scotland), for its general charitable purpose and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be sufficient discharge for the same.

Pecuniary gifts (a specific amount or items)

A Pecuniary gift is a gift of a specific amount of money or item(s).

If you would like to leave a pecuniary gift, please use this wording:

I give to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People (Reg. Charity 293358 England and Wales, SC040486 Scotland) the sum of £___ for its general charitable purpose and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be sufficient discharge for the same.

Finding a solicitor

The Law Society provides a free service to help you find a solicitor specialising in Wills and probate. You can visit their website, call 020 7320 5650 or email

If you click on the 'Find a Solicitor' link on their website you can then search by your location. You can also search for lawyers who use British Sign Language (BSL) or have a Hearing Loop in the ‘More options’ section.

We're here to help

If you have any further questions about leaving a gift to Hearing Dogs in your Will, please have a chat with Zoe Cox today on 01844 348130 or email