Digital champion

Follow Hearing Dogs and Hearing Link on social media, fill in surveys, vote for us, shop, recycle or do an online quiz! Discover lots of ideas on how to volunteer virtually and really help the charity, even if you've just a few minutes to spare.
Top ways you can help us from your home!
Got 2 minutes? Follow us @HearingDogs
Following @HearingDogs on our social media accounts genuinely helps us raise awareness and to reach more people.
Share our posts, join our wonderful digital community, and help raise awareness of Hearing Dogs.
Find our main accounts linked below. Have you got 2 minutes? Why not follow us on each one?

"Social media has become hugely important for all organisations. By helping to increase our online profile, you'll be playing a key role in gaining new supporters and highlighting just how amazing our life-changing hearing dogs are. Plus, there are new super-cute photos and videos being shared every day, which are sure to put a smile on your face." - Matt Sadler, Social Media & PR Executive

Let us know what you've been up to!
Every bit of microvolunteering helps deaf people leave loneliness behind and reconnect with life, so do shout about what you've been doing on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and get our attention @HearingDogs and @VolTeamHDogs.
You can download, print or share this certificate. Take a selfie or post a photo. Whatever way you want to tell or show us how you've microvolunteered is a good way!
Remember to use the hashtag #TeamBurgundy and we'll repost the best examples of microvolunteering in action.