Fundraising and the law
Thank you so much for your interest in holding a fundraising event for Hearing Dogs. We really appreciate the support.
We want to help you make your event a fun and successful one so please read the following tips to help you keep it safe and within the law.
Keeping safe and within the law
- Collections held in private locations such as pubs or shops require the permission of the owner or manager.
- Collections held in public spaces will require a permit from your local authority.
- Collections tins and buckets must be sealed and correctly labelled and we can provide these for you.
- For your own safety you should not collect money on your own and money should always be counted with another person in a secure environment.
Lotteries and Raffles
A raffle held as part of another fundraising event such as a summer fair or ball will not require a licence providing there are:
- No cash prizes
- No more than £500 is spent on buying prizes
- Tickets are only sold during the event
- The draw takes place at the event.
If you want to sell tickets to a wider audience over a longer period of time you will require a licence from your local authority. We would also advise you to refer to the Gambling Commission website where you can find more information.
Entertainment and Alcohol
If you are holding an event with entertainment or alcohol you need to ensure that the correct licences are in place. Your chosen venue may have them but if not you will need to obtain the relevant licences from your local authority.
You should contact them well in advance of your event as failure to obtain the correct licence may invalidate insurance cover.
By organising your own event you are responsible for taking adequate steps to make sure the event poses no risk to others.
You should check that buildings and suppliers have sufficient Public Liability insurance and if necessary arrange additional cover .
Health and Safety and Risk Assessment
Events need to be adequately risk assessed to find, reduce and control the risks to those taking part and members of the public who may be attending.
Some useful information about organising an event can be found at
Help for completing a risk assessment can be found at
Data Protection
You must make sure that any records you keep comply with the Data Protection Act
Simply , information must be kept securely, not shared with others without permission and not kept longer than is necessary.
If you have any queries about holding an event please contact your local Community Fundraising Manager
If you have any questions about supporting Hearing Dogs, we’d love to speak with you!
07483 005194