This month in training: December 2023

Posted by Matt Sadler

Hamlet has been on an adventure into London, Freddie shows off his super soundwork and Pedro is going to change a deaf person's life. Find out what our clever pups have been learning in their final classes of the year.

1. Hamlet has been into the City
Handsome Hamlet has been on an adventure into London. Our clever Labrador did brilliantly during his train journey and then did a fab job exploring the City - even showing off his super settle.
Hamlet could be partnered with a deaf person who lives or works in a city, so it's important that he is relaxed and comfortable in busier environments.

We slowly introduce our dogs to busier locations - from villages to towns and then to cities - making sure they are happy throughout.

Hamlet always takes each new experience in his stride and is a credit to his volunteer trainer.

2. Super Summer 

Missing the warmer weather? Well, we've got a little bit of Summer to cheer you up!

Cocker spaniel Summer has been on a trip to a garden centre, getting used to those new sights, sounds and smells.

Garden centres are one of the first places we introduce our younger dogs to as they are relaxed environments with lots of interesting new items to investigate.

Summer did a fab job on her adventure and showed lovely focus on her volunteer trainer.

3. Harvey made a new friend

Frosty the snowman had a furry little visitor.

Harvey went shopping with his volunteer trainer and ran into some rather exciting Christmas decorations!

It's not every day you bump into an inflatable snowman and it's so important that our hearing dogs aren't worried by odd sights and sounds when they're out and about with their deaf partners.

4. Meet the very precious Ruby

Miniature poodle Ruby has made a great start to her hearing dog training, and she has just started the second stage.

This is the part of training where Ruby will focus more on her walking behaviour and recall, practising her impulse control, and learning how to settle nicely.

 These are all skills that will be very important for Ruby's later training, as that's when she will experience being in public places and on public transport.

5. Fantastic Freddie's super soundwork

Freddie recently passed his assessment to be a life-changing hearing dog, and here he is demonstrating his super soundwork.

You will see our clever cockapoo alerting to a timer and the doorbell by nudging his trainer with his nose before leading her to the sound.

You will also watch Freddie performing the danger signal to the smoke alarm and fire siren, including when his trainer is in bed.

The alert to a danger sound is different as Freddie immediately lies down. This is because we wouldn't want him to lead anyone towards a potentially hazardous situation.

6. Pedro is going to change a deaf person's life

We are so proud to let you know that the wonderful Pedro has passed his final assessment to be a life-changing hearing dog!

Pedro has grown from a very cute puppy into such a clever and handsome boy, and we know he is going to make the world of difference to his partner.

Congratulations and thank you so much to 'Team Pedro'.

Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life

These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.

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blog hearing dogs

Hi everyone, I'm Matt and I look after the Charity's social media, blog and e-newsletter.

I spend a lot of my day talking about our hearing dog superstars - it's a hard life!

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