This month in training: July 2018
Posted by Sarah O'Brien
Our pups have been busy in their training classes. Take a look at what they've been learning this month.
1. Aero passed his first stage of hearing dog puppy training
A big well dog to hearing dog Aero who has just passed his first stage of training - the Puppy 1 Star. He is well on his way to becoming a life-changing hearing dog for a person in need. keep up the paw-some work!
2. Inca made a new friend!
It's important that our puppies know that all other animals - big or small - should be seen as friends, not foe (or food!).
Here's the lovely Inca meeting a neighbour's cat for the first time. She was a little unsure at first, but soon realised that the cat was not a toy - or a great play buddy - and she kept a safe distance at all times. Good job, Freya!
3. Hearing dog pup Marcus did a great job on public transport this month.
It’s really important our hearing dog pups experience travelling on public transport before they become a hearing dog. If a deaf person gets a train to work, we want to make sure their new hearing dog is comfortable with this experience.
Marcus was really relaxed during the whole experience and is looking forward to his next public transport outing.
4. Vesper took her first leap into hearing dog training
How adorable is hearing dog puppy Vesper? She is eight weeks old and has just begun her incredible journey to become a life-changing hearing dog. But she needs your help! Will you sponsor her throughout her training from just £3 a month?
Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life
These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.
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