"Bertie has helped change our world"
Posted by Matt Sadler
Cecilia was born with a hearing loss and lives in London with her sound support dog, Bertie.
“Having Bertie as my loyal companion and best friend is wonderful. We’re a team; Bert looks after me, and I look after him. His determined little nose boop alerts me to the smoke alarm, or when someone’s at the door, when the washing machine has finished, or when the microwave pings.
“He also alerts me to squirrels in the garden – not essential but I appreciate him wanting to communicate and share things with me as he makes every day interesting!”
In 2020, Cecilia took early retirement: “I wasn’t ready to retire, I loved teaching, but mask-wearing during Covid made it impossible to lipread. It was a daily struggle trying to teach my students and communicate with colleagues wearing masks. It coincided with my son, his wife and children moving overseas.
“I found the loss of my profession and close family, all in one go, overwhelmingly sad. I missed the warmth and comfort of direct contact with family. It became hard to get up in the morning. I’d never felt so isolated and unhappy.”
Cecilia contacted Hearing Dogs for support and was partnered with sound support dog Bertie, a cheeky, chocolate Cocker Spaniel.
She says: “Bert is my happiness cavalry, my wonderful reason to get up every morning because he makes each day exciting. We pack a rucksack with water, treats, and a picnic and we’re off. London is full of dog-friendly parks, walks, and people – and every day, people talk to us. Bert’s relish for every adventure is joyful, his happiness infectious.
“Bert also plays a significant role in the care of my mum, who has Alzheimer's. When we moved into Mum’s sheltered accommodation for six weeks, to help rehabilitate her after a fall, Bert became her anchor. He improved her ability to communicate through play and affection; he was the one thing she didn’t get muddled about.
“Bert seems to know he needs to make eye contact with Mum and is so gentle. He’s rewarded with her absolute love and adoration. He listens patiently to her telling him the same stories every week, and never minds. Bert’s presence also encourages other residents to talk about their own long-gone, beloved dogs.
“Thank you, to everyone involved in making my partnership with Bert possible. You’ve helped change our world for the better.”
What is a sound support dog?
Sound support dogs are partnered with people with deteriorating or moderate hearing loss and alert them to life-saving and important sounds in the home, such as the fire alarm or the alarm clock.
They don’t alert to sounds in public spaces or wear the burgundy jacket like hearing dogs do, but provide the same incredible friendship and emotional support.
Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life
These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.
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