"Fidget has filled a hole, like the missing piece in my jigsaw"

Posted by Matt Sadler

Linda’s partnership with hearing dog Fidget began in 2015. Nine years on, as Fidget nears retirement, Linda looks back at the wonderful life she has enjoyed with her devoted Labrador, who loves nothing more, when off-duty, than to waddle in a muddy puddle!

David and Linda are sitting next to each other on a bench with hearing dog Fidget, a yellow Labrador, sitting on the floor in front of them.

“Since Fidget and I have been together I can’t imagine life without her. I’ve changed as a person; I’m much more confident now. I feel able to go out and enjoy new challenges and new pleasures in my daily life, and it’s all down to Fidget.

“I’ve had severe hearing loss since childhood. I’ve always been rather shy, quiet and not very confident. Sometimes everyday life brings on a feeling of total exhaustion from having to concentrate so hard to understand people. But all that changed when Fidget arrived.

“Fidget is such a sweet soul. She has made a huge difference to my life, alerting me to sounds I can’t hear: doorbell, alarm clock, cooker timer, smoke alarm and mobile texts. Her favourite is the alarm clock; being the first sound of the day it means a walk, breakfast and a big cuddle.

Yellow Labrador hearing dog Fidget is lying on the floor with her tongue sticking out. She is wearing her burgundy Hearing Dogs for Deaf People jacket

“My husband David has been my rock, supporting me with my hearing challenges to make it as easy as he can for me. He’s happy to have a little helper and, since Fidget took over the role of listening out for me, David has been able to relax and not worry when I’m out.

“I’ve certainly grown in confidence since having Fidget, it’s like she filled a hole, like the missing piece in my jigsaw, and I can finally feel calm knowing she’ll listen for the sounds I can’t hear. Wherever I am I feel safe because Fidget’s with me.

“Since I retired two years ago, I’ve become a street warden and volunteer with various roles in the community. We love long country walks, Fidget is always on the lookout for puddles, mud, any kind of water to splash in; the muddier the better.

Yellow Labrador Fidget is sitting on wet muddy ground during a walk outside. She has mud all over her.

“Fidget is now 10½ and will soon retire as a working hearing dog. I’ve applied for another dog who’ll take over Fidget’s role, so she can become a regular pet dog, filling her days with water play and muddy puddles!

“I’m so grateful to everyone at Hearing Dogs, especially those involved in Fidget’s life. Thanks for all you do for deaf people; you make our world a much happier place.”

Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life

These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.

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blog hearing dogs

Hi everyone, I'm Matt and I look after the Charity's social media, blog and e-newsletter.

I spend a lot of my day talking about our hearing dog superstars - it's a hard life!

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