"Having Alvin by my side has just given me that sense of independence"

Posted by Matt Sadler

Kirsty was partnered with Alvin one year ago, and shares about the difference he’s made since being by her side.

“I was born deaf. I rely on a hearing aid in one ear and then I am profoundly deaf in the other.

“Because of spending so much time in hospital while I was growing up, as I had so many other disabilities that had to be taken care of, my deafness wasn't a priority.

“When I bought my own place, I realised how vulnerable I was. I often wouldn't put the TV on if I knew I had workmen coming round so I could hear the door, and often I would still miss it. Even going to bed scared me, not knowing if the fire-alarm would wake me. So, I decided to look into Hearings Dogs to see if they could help me as I was worried that I would sleep through the vibration pillow alarm that I had or miss someone at the door. That’s when Alvin came into my life.

“Alvin helps me with the oven bell, microwave, the mobile phone, often the landline which I can't hear, as well as the doorbell. He will often hear people approaching the house even before they have rung the bell which is great. He is so proactive and keen. We always practice our sound work every week.

“Alvin has made me more confident at being alone at home, not worrying about people coming to the door as he always alerts me, even when the postman is on his way. No more burnt food either as Alvin will nudge me to let me know when the oven bell has gone off. Having Alvin by my side has just given me that sense of independence and the feeling that I can now relax when I’m at home. I don't have to worry as I know that Alvin is looking out for me.

“I have learnt so much about myself in the last year that I didn't think possible. He has given me confidence, and the confidence to be myself and to accept my deafness as I always used to hide it. Now, with Alvin, people will stop me in the shops or on the train to ask about Alvin and what he does. I've managed to make friends with people in the park as people are always drawn to him and he just loves people.

“Alvin is certainly a character! He loves his food, and his ball especially. You know what he is thinking just by his body-language, sometimes I think he thinks he's human because of the way he will huff at me when he disapproves or smiles when he is excited.

"He is just a happy boy, and just so loving. He has a big personality and the way people fall in love with him is amazing. He’s become my shadow and I wouldn't want it any other way."

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blog hearing dogs

Hi everyone, I'm Matt and I look after the Charity's social media, blog and e-newsletter.

I spend a lot of my day talking about our hearing dog superstars - it's a hard life!

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