7 videos full of cute and clever hearing dog pups

Posted by Matt Sadler

Seven incredibly cute videos full of future life-changing hearing dogs. Meet our picture-perfect Cocker Spaniel puppies, see Kali's super soundwork, and much more.

1. Meet our eight-week-old Cocker Spaniels

Mum, Tia, popped in with her puppies Grayson, George, Gertie, Guy, and Gigi for a visit and to get their perfect paw-traits taken.

2. 10 pups to make you smile
Starting with Eden, Ember and Ernie enjoying a cuddle, and also featuring little Dougie being very cheeky, Charlie doing so well at a Tube station, and much more.

3. Hamlet has some wonderful news

To be, or not to be a hearing dog, that is the question... And handsome Hamlet has answered it by passing his final assessment!

Hamlet has been a superstar throughout his training and it has been a joy seeing him grow into such a wonderful boy.

Our clever Labrador is going to change his deaf partner's life and this is only possible thanks to the incredible team he has had guiding him every step of the way.

Congratulations and thank you so much to the amazing 'Team Hamlet'.

4. Kali is learning all about her soundwork

Clever Kali is in the final stage of her hearing dog training and is busy learning how to alert her future deaf partner to important and potentially even life-saving sounds.

In this video, you will see Kali alerting her trainer Meg to the alarm clock, doorbell and smoke alarm.

Kali's alert to the smoke alarm is different as she immediately lies down to indicate that it is a danger sound.

5. Fun, fun, and even more fun

What happened when eight-week-old Enzo, Evie, Eddie, Esme, Ernie, Ella, Eden, Ember, Ezra, Elsie and Ebony came to play?

It was cocker spaniel chaos of the very cutest kind.

6. Wonderful Wilbur

Cocker Spaniel Wilbur has been changing the life of his deaf partner Lucy since March 2022.

This is Wilbur's journey from a very cute puppy, into an amazing hearing dog.

7. Nine videos guaranteed to make you smile

Puppy Dixie is ready for her breakfast, Summer isn't sure of a singing snowman, little Libby, Lima and Lucky take themselves for a walk, and much more.

Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life

These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.

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blog hearing dogs

Hi everyone, I'm Matt and I look after the Charity's social media, blog and e-newsletter.

I spend a lot of my day talking about our hearing dog superstars - it's a hard life!

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