6 videos full of adorable hearing dog pups

Posted by Matt Sadler

Six incredibly cute videos full of future life-changing hearing dogs. Meet our very energetic eight-week-old Cocker Spaniel puppies, find out why River is celebrating, and see super Sarge showing off his lovely 'sit' and 'wait'.

1. Perfect puppy chaos!

Mum, Bella, and her eight-week old puppies; Dora, Drake, Dash, Dougie and Dixie came by to see us and we couldn't resist some puppy playtime!

These adorable cocker spaniel puppies were having fun exploring on their visit, but we think it's safe to say that Dash (green collar) and Dougie (blue collar) were more interested in the camera than their siblings.

2. 90 seconds of adorable pups to make you smile

Starting with Timmy (and brother Tommy in the background) having fun charging around, and also featuring super Cooper, mum Summer having a very precious moment with little Eddie, and much more.

3. Attention...

Cocker spaniel Sarge passed the first stage of his hearing dog training last month and here he is showing off his lovely 'sit' and 'wait'.

Sarge has picked up his basic cues so quickly and he is proving to be such a clever boy.

4. A short montage of incredibly cute videos

It's time for some very cute videos, and our hungry cocker spaniel pups just can't decide on their favourite bowl.

Tommy has conquered stair mountain, River is hiding from the rain, Mitzi has been getting used to the sound of fireworks, Georgie is dreaming, and much more.

5. River has taken a giant step towards changing a deaf person's life!
The lovely River has just started the final stage of her hearing dog training!
This is the part of training where our clever Labrador will focus on learning all about the sounds she will alert her future deaf partner to, and we know she is going to be a soundwork superstar.
You're doing so well, River.
6. The very sweet Cookie
One final cute montage, starting with cocker spaniel Cookie choosing her favourite toy.
Cockapoo Summer has been in a lift, Chase and his happy tail have been shopping, our seven-week-old pups are eating al fresco, and more.

Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life

These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.

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blog hearing dogs

Hi everyone, I'm Matt and I look after the Charity's social media, blog and e-newsletter.

I spend a lot of my day talking about our hearing dog superstars - it's a hard life!

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