6 adorable videos to start October

Posted by Matt Sadler

Six videos full of guaranteed hearing dog cuteness, featuring Ozzy's impressive sound alerts, our clever trio taking the train, and much more.

1. Ozzy's super sound alerts

Awesome Ozzy has recently passed his final assessment to be a hearing dog and here he his showing off his very impressive soundwork during training.

You'll see Ozzy alerting to the doorbell and the cooker timer as well as performing the danger signal to a smoke alarm!

The danger signal sees Ozzy immediately lie down rather than lead his volunteer trainer towards the sound, as it could be a hazardous situation.

2. ELEVEN very special dogs to make you smile

From adorable puppy tummy tickles, to seaside splashing with Ella, and a very sleepy Watson - it's time for some cute video clips.

3. Terrific Tommy!

Hearing dog in training Tommy has been busy practising in lots of different public places, and we went along with him as he went shopping with his volunteer dog trainers.

Tommy had a good look around the store, settled beautifully, and also got used to lifts and stairs.

Oh, and there's always time for a tummy rub!

4. Fun, fun and even more fun

Starting with a pile of our little snoozing puppies and a tasty snack from Gerry.

You'll also spot Gizmo enjoying a very chilled out tummy rub, Josie having a good old splash in the sea, and Oakley showing off his boopable nose.

5. Next stop, life-changing hearing dogs!

Teddy, Meadow, and Scooby are in the final stages of their hearing dog training and have been spending some time on public transport!

It's important for them to be comfortable with the strange sounds, and distracting movements of trains so they can travel on public transport confidently with their future deaf partners.

6. 90 seconds of guaranteed cuteness

Fig shows us her soundwork when a surprise guest comes to visit, and Marlon has been having a whale of a time at the seaside!

You'll also spot clever Cookie with her favourite settle mat, Mocha with a brilliant 'boop', and sponsor puppy Storm enjoying some outdoor playtime.

Sponsor a puppy and change a deaf person's life

These cute puppies are training to become life-changers. Sponsor them from £5 a month and follow their journey as they learn how to help a deaf person.

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About the author

blog hearing dogs

Hi everyone, I'm Matt and I look after the Charity's social media, blog and e-newsletter.

I spend a lot of my day talking about our hearing dog superstars - it's a hard life!

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